Ponderbeat 04
ponderbeat 04
It’s here! The latest Ponderbeat is going to fill your summer of 2019 with a buffet of brand new music.
Ponderbeat is a collaborative effort with Killbeat Music. Four times a year Killbeat collects all the great new music the artists on their roster are releasing, and Pondercast gets to pick and choose and bring you our favourites. Thanks to Killbeat Music! And thanks to you for listening. Here’s the breakdown…
FET.NAT - Tapis
Badge Époque Ensemble - Enormous Profit
Close Talker - Half Past Nine
Ada Lea - The Party
Yoke Lore - Safe & Sound
Tamino - Indigo Night
Sessa - Tanto
Charlotte Cornfield - Silver Civic
River Tiber - Taurus
Begonia - Living at the Ceiling
Jordan Klassen - Virtuous Circles
Please let us know what you love - and why. We’re on Twitter, Facebook, or you can send us a good old fashion email
Note: if you are still craving more music, you can join the Pondercast tribe with a monthly pledge and Ty, Joshua and I will deliver our fave new music via a bi-weekly Spotify playlist! Go to Patreon.com/Pondercast and join the party.
Laurie, Joshua and Ty.
Want more tunes?
Checkout these other Ponderbeat episodes.