Sounding Off
sounding off
Hi all
We start this Pondercast with a field trip to my pond to hear the spring peepers and then head off into an exploration of how our seasons are not sticking to their lane anymore.
The rhythm of the seasons, and of nature itself, has always been a powerful healer for us. But the seasons are turning wobbly, starting and ending in new ways. We are watching it all, and feeling wobbly too. This episode is about grounding ourselves in the drift.
In other news, we have more sounding off!
Founding Pondercast partner Ty Johnston is passing over the reins of the podship after five years! His other venture is taking off and Nonsuch Brewing Co. needs more of his time.
So please welcome Michelle Elrick to the team! Michelle is a writer and performer from Halifax, Nova Scotia. We had a summit meeting in Halifax and passwords were exchanged. (Photo proof provided.)
Say hi to Michelle here
And to Ty….thank you for being the most wonderful and creative partner. Big love and admiration and the best of everything.
Xo Laurie, Joshua and….Michelle!
P.S. Everything else remains the same!
You can find your weekly guided meditations at Ground Level – either on your podcast platform, or on our website.
And if you are looking for new music, introduced by Laurie (The Signal 2.0) and you have a paid Spotify or Apple Music account, become a member on Patreon and get a two hour ‘radio’ show delivered to your inbox every month. Learn all about it here.